Friday, November 17, 2006

300 Free Icons for WebDesign and Development

You can't build a slick application without good icons. Professional icons cost too much, most free icons suck and I know I don't have the time to create a set of icons. Here is a site offering a full set of professionally designed icons for web applications for free. Digg it for later and save yourself the search..

read more | digg story

Monday, May 15, 2006

XCS Webmaster Resources!

skeleton Webmaster Resources, Downloads, HTML, Webtools, Webmaster software and Freeware from the most powerful Webmaster Resource site on the planet! XCS Tools has the lowest selling price Webmaster software titles and is the #1 most anticipated Promotional, marketing, and freeware site. XCS is your download destination for Webmaster tools, free chat boxes, free cutomized toolbars, flash templates and intros, logo creation, banner creation, URL submission, games, and even learn HTML!
I have found almost every resource available to webmasters looking to obtain the greatest advantage on the web....FREE- ffa sites, adblasters, minisites, viral traffic, content and anything else you can possibly think of! You can even submit your url's to google right from the site in question! When considering the importance of a useful website, I absolutely give XCS Tools an 11 out of 10 for usefulness and overall FREE Resources. Visit the site and take a look'll be busy for hours trying to get all the resources off this site and downloading tons of free software while drooling from the mouth.
Have a blast......Once you go...there is no going back